JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (6): 27-32.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.202004013
Special Issue: 野生动物保护与疫病防控专题
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LIU Dawei(), HOU Senlin*(
), ZHOU Yongwu, FEI Yiling, HE Jian
HOU Senlin;
CLC Number:
LIU Dawei, HOU Senlin, ZHOU Yongwu, FEI Yiling, HE Jian. DNA barcoding of Artiodactyla in cases involved in wildlife for species identification[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2020, 44(6): 27-32.
Table 1
Sample information of Artiodactyla in cases involved in wildlife"
物种 species | 保护级别 protected category | 样本数 number of samples | 编号 No. | 动物体部位 body part |
斑羚Naemorhedus goral | II | 3 | NG1-3 | 角、肌肉 |
北山羊Capra ibex | I | 5 | CI1-5 | 角、肌肉 |
藏羚Pantholops hodgsonii | I | 3 | PH1-3 | 头骨 |
鹅喉羚Gazella subgutturosa | II | 4 | GS1-4 | 皮张 |
高鼻羚羊Saiga tatarica | I | 6 | ST1-6 | 角 |
河麂Hydropotes inermis | II | 5 | HI1-5 | 肌肉 |
黒麂 Muntiacus crinifrons | I | 2 | MC1-2 | 肌肉 |
鬣羚Capricornis sumatraensis | II | 5 | CS1-5 | 肌肉 |
羚牛 Budorcas taxicolor | I | 3 | BT1-3 | 头骨 |
马鹿Cervus elaphus | II | 5 | CE1-5 | 角 |
毛冠鹿Elaphodus cephalophus | 三有 | 6 | EC1-6 | 皮张 |
梅花鹿Cervus nippon | I | 5 | CN1-5 | 角 |
西伯利亚狍Capreolus pygargus | 三有 | 6 | CC1-6 | 肌肉 |
驼鹿Alces alces | II | 3 | AA1-3 | 角 |
小麂Muntiacus reevesi | 三有 | 4 | MR1-4 | 角、肌肉 |
马麝Moschus chrysogaster | I | 2 | MC'1-2 | 肌肉 |
Table 2
Comparisons of COI and Cyt b gene fragment sequences of Artiodactyla in cases in the GenBank"
物种 species | 序列比对结果(相似度/%) sequences alignment result (similarities) | |
相关物种COI基因片段 COI of concerned species | 相关物种Cyt b基因片段 Cyt b of concerned species | |
斑羚 | 斑羚(99.75~100) | 斑羚(98.74~100) |
北山羊 | 北山羊(99.11~99.82) | 北山羊(99.58~99.64) |
藏羚 | 藏羚(99.47~99.82) | 藏羚(99.47~99.82) |
鹅喉羚 | 鹅喉羚(96.80~100) | 鹅喉羚(99.29~99.82) |
高鼻羚羊 | 高鼻羚羊(99.29~100) | 高鼻羚羊(98.75~100) |
河麂 | 河麂(98.04~99.64) | 河麂(99.29~99.82) |
黒麂 | 黒麂(99.47~100) | 黒麂(98.93~99.11) |
鬣羚 | 鬣羚(99.11~100) | 鬣羚(98.75~100) |
羚牛 | 羚牛(99.11~99.82) | 羚牛(98.58~99.82) |
马鹿 | 马鹿(97.51~99.64) | 马鹿(98.76~99.64) |
毛冠鹿 | 毛冠鹿(98.40~100) | 毛冠鹿(98.40~100) |
梅花鹿 | 梅花鹿(98.22~99.64) | 梅花鹿(98.40~99.64) |
西伯利亚狍 | 西伯利亚狍 (99.11~99.64) | 西伯利亚狍、欧洲狍 (99.64~99.82) |
驼鹿 | 驼鹿(98.75~100) | 驼鹿(98.74~100) |
小麂 | 小麂(96.98-99.82) | 小麂(98.93~99.82) |
马麝 | 马麝(98.93-99.29) | 马麝(98.92~99.10) |
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