JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (4): 76-84.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202305024
Special Issue: 专题报道Ⅱ:乡村振兴视域下药用树种青钱柳培育研究
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LIU Xialan1(), SONG Ziqi1, HU Fengrong2, SHANG Xulan1,*(
SHANG Xulan;
CLC Number:
LIU Xialan, SONG Ziqi, HU Fengrong, SHANG Xulan. A comparative study on leaf characters between diploid and tetraploid of Cyclocarya paliurus[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2024, 48(4): 76-84.
Table 1
Differences in morphological characteristics of compound leaves between diploid and tetraploid Cyclocarya paliurus"
倍性ploidy | 复叶面积/cm2 CLA | 比叶质量 /(g·cm-2) SLW | 小叶数/枚 LN |
二倍体diploid | 219.54±16.67(7.59) | 0.002 7±0.000 3(10.12) | 12.83±1.47**(11.43) |
四倍体tetraploid | 394.62±96.92**(24.56) | 0.004 2±0.001 1**(26.94) | 10.17±0.89(8.72) |
Table 2
Differences in morphological characteristics between the terminal and middle leaflets of diploid and tetraploid C. paliurus"
性状 trait | 顶端小叶 terminal leaflet | 中部小叶 middle leaflet | ||
二倍体diploid | 四倍体tetraploid | 二倍体diploid | 四倍体tetraploid | |
叶长/cm LL | 10.56±1.46(13.83) | 14.72±2.20**(14.94) | 10.08±0.87(8.61) | 13.42±1.90**(14.15) |
叶宽/cm LW | 4.05±0.61(15.12) | 6.54±0.97**(14.86) | 3.35±0.30(8.98) | 5.20±0.55**(10.5) |
叶形指数 LSI | 2.63±0.32**(12.06) | 2.27±0.28(12.51) | 3.02±0.23**(7.51) | 2.58±0.30(11.55) |
小叶面积/cm2 LA | 25.65±6.66(25.98) | 59.70±17.07**(28.59) | 20.89±2.33(11.15) | 47.22±12.13**(25.68) |
最大叶宽位置 MLWP | 0.86±0.12**(14.43) | 0.48±0.05(9.59) | 0.58±0.31(53.81) | 0.51±0.03(5.18) |
锯齿密度 /(个·cm-1)SD | 7.02±1.08**(15.39) | 4.60±0.79(17.11) | 5.32±0.82**(15.36) | 3.89±0.70(18.05) |
锯齿宽度/mm SWW | 1.64±0.21(12.54) | 2.70±0.41**(15.22) | 2.42±0.45(18.56) | 2.60±0.63(24.1) |
锯齿深度/mm SWD | 0.59±0.09**(15.19) | 0.42±0.08(18.94) | 0.30±0.07(22.27) | 0.49±0.22**(45.97) |
锯齿与叶缘间角度/(°) LSA | 78.75±8.80(11.17) | 106.52±11.91**(11.18) | 75.06±7.59(10.11) | 88.1±7.63**(8.66) |
Table 3
Differences in leaf anatomical structure between diploid and tetraploid C. paliurus"
倍性 ploidy | 组织厚度/μm tissue thickness | 栅海比 P/S | 紧密度 CTR | 疏松度 SR | ||||
叶片 LT | 上表皮 UE | 下表皮 LE | 栅栏组织 PT | 海绵组织 ST | ||||
二倍体 diploid | 43.00±4.82 (11.21) | 5.98±0.67 (11.28) | 3.78±0.68 (18) | 19.72±2.62 (13.29) | 13.52±2.28 (16.89) | 1.49±0.25** (16.62) | 0.46±0.04* (7.94) | 0.31±0.03 (9.68) |
四倍体 tetraploid | 56.24±8.17** (14.53) | 6.71±1.08** (16.07) | 5.46±0.97** (17.8) | 24.39±5.72** (23.46) | 19.68±3.39** (17.23) | 1.25±0.30 (23.99) | 0.43±0.06 (14.22) | 0.35±0.04** (10.83) |
Table 5
Principal component load matrix table for phenotypic traits"
性状 trait | 主成分 principal component | |
PC1 | PC2 | |
复叶面积 CLA | 0.873 | 0.297 |
比叶质量 SLW | 0.652 | -0.282 |
小叶数量 LN | -0.770 | 0.050 |
顶端小叶叶长 TLL | 0.859 | 0.389 |
顶端小叶叶宽 TLW | 0.917 | -0.039 |
顶端小叶叶形指数 TLSI | -0.519 | 0.634 |
顶端小叶面积 TLA | 0.908 | 0.195 |
顶端小叶最大叶宽位置 TMLWP | -0.883 | 0.209 |
顶端小叶锯齿密度 TSD | -0.796 | 0.104 |
顶端小叶锯齿宽度 TSWW | 0.839 | -0.102 |
顶端小叶锯齿深度 TSWD | -0.655 | 0.142 |
顶端小叶锯齿与叶缘间的角度 TLSA | 0.764 | -0.183 |
中部小叶叶长 MLL | 0.848 | 0.436 |
中部小叶叶宽 MLW | 0.959 | 0.014 |
中部小叶叶形指数 MLSI | -0.594 | 0.628 |
中部小叶面积 MLA | 0.922 | 0.225 |
中部小叶锯齿密度 MSD | -0.728 | -0.072 |
中部小叶锯齿深度 MSWD | 0.614 | 0.390 |
中部小叶锯齿与叶缘间的角度 MLSA | 0.588 | -0.183 |
特征值(λ)eigen value | 11.676 | 1.708 |
贡献率 /% contribution rate | 61.455 | 8.991 |
累计贡献率 /% cumulative contribution rate | 61.455 | 70.446 |
Table 6
Principal component load matrix table for anatomical structures and stomatal characteristics"
性状 trait | 主成分 principal components | |
PC1 | PC2 | |
叶片厚度 LT | 0.798 | 0.538 |
上表皮厚度 UE | 0.512 | -0.045 |
下表皮厚度 LE | 0.848 | 0.059 |
栅栏组织厚度 PT | 0.426 | 0.872 |
海绵组织厚度 ST | 0.921 | 0.162 |
栅海比 P/S | -0.659 | 0.725 |
紧密度 CTR | -0.505 | 0.848 |
疏松度 SR | 0.729 | -0.546 |
气孔长度 SL | 0.882 | 0.117 |
气孔宽度 SW | 0.798 | 0.136 |
气孔密度 STD | -0.754 | -0.154 |
特征值(λ)eigen value | 5.850 | 2.679 |
贡献率/% contribution rate | 53.178 | 24.354 |
累计贡献率/% cumulative contribution rate | 53.178 | 77.532 |
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